Spencer Believes Opportunity Will Come

Where Are They Now: Shane Spencer - YouTube

“I don’t get it.”

It’s a simple, but powerful quote.

It’s how so many fans of Simulated Baseball felt last season as the Report to the Commissioner of the Baseball Draft of an Independent Investigation into the Use of Short-Seasoned Players and Other Simulator Enhancing Manipulations by General Managers in the Baseball Draft (aka the Spencer Report) was compiled and published.

And it’s how Spencer – the virtual man at the center of that report – feels this season.

“I was the best player on a playoff team. And now … what? I’m just not drafted? In 40 rounds?”

You could hear the pain in his simulated voice.

“You watch a guy with one hand get drafted. A dead professional wrestler. An actor. A washed up quarterback with bad teeth. Star Wars characters. Even a guy named Snuffy?”

But, Spencer hasn’t given up on his dream. He says he’s hired a private virtual coach, and he’s been working out. By his estimate, he’s spent more time working out and staying in shape for this virtual season than he spent actually in the Big Leagues.

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